Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Salt pile to be removed soon

We just received this email from Bill DiBlasio's office:

Good Afternoon CoWNA,
With the help of Senator Squadron, Councilmember Yassky,
Congressmember Nadler and Brad Lander we where able to bring this to
the attention of the proper authorities. In addition to covering the
pile while no work is being done the Salt will be watered down to
prevent it from blowing into the residential neighborhood. The entire
pile should be removed within a couple day

Tom Gray
District Director
City Council Member Bill de Blasio


  1. I would like to thank all neighbors who called 311, the Port Authority, ASI and our elected officials to call their attention to this issue.

  2. The bigger question is how did it happen in the first place. The Columbia Street Water front is one of the most air poor areas in the city, and to have this happen in the first place is just wrong. If its not the 7pm flood of trucks coming down Summit to Columbia as a short cut or the billowing smoke of the moored ships adding to the toxic mix of the BQE, where has our representation been?

    How is it that Summit St is still two directions and how is HWK700a still not finished?

    and for the record Bill's office is the worst, they constantly forget that they represent us, and ignore emails about issues on this side of the BQE.
