Thursday, April 30, 2009

Waterfront Uses Report - 2005

"Road salt is needed to keep City streets safe and accessible during winter snowstorms but these salt piles do not need to be sited along New York City’s waterfront! Although the City has committed to move or containerize some of these salt piles progress has been slow or nonexistent. For instance, the Harlem River salt pile is scheduled to move in 2006 but despite community opposition to the South St. salt pile in lower Manhattan DOT remains uncommitted to a scheduled move. In addition to being a poor use of the waterfront, road salt may be harmful to the environment. According to the non-profit Riverkeeper, road salt typically contains sodium ferrocyanide and a variety of chlorides, which can break down into cyanide and negatively charged chloride ions that are harmful to wildlife, vegetation and aquatic organisms."

-Waterfront Wastes and Opportunities 2005, By Council Member David Yassky

So far Councilmember Yassky, who is running for the office of New York City Comptroller this year, has been publicly silent on the topic of the Columbia/Kane salt pile.

Mike Webster

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is what my BBQ looked like after being uncovered for one day. What looks like dirt is actually salt (I tasted it!). The whole terrace is covered (I live on Tiffany Place).
This is what the salt pile looked like on Wednesday evening. About 3/4 covered.

D.E.C. investigating salt pile

Another salt pile update:

Brian McCormick has reported that two officials from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation interviewed him at the corner of Kane & Columbia Sts.

Brian said that the officials were looking for information related to the timeline of when the salt pile first appeared, the covered/uncovered status and how the pile was placed there. He also said they mentioned that depending what additives the salt may contain, there could be additional health concerns above those related to the salt itself.

CoWNA will continue to stay on top of the situation and report back.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Salt pile to be removed soon

We just received this email from Bill DiBlasio's office:

Good Afternoon CoWNA,
With the help of Senator Squadron, Councilmember Yassky,
Congressmember Nadler and Brad Lander we where able to bring this to
the attention of the proper authorities. In addition to covering the
pile while no work is being done the Salt will be watered down to
prevent it from blowing into the residential neighborhood. The entire
pile should be removed within a couple day

Tom Gray
District Director
City Council Member Bill de Blasio

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Salt Pile

Here is a short video I shot on Saturday 4/26 of the salt pile on the pier near Columbia and Kane Street. Since then the pile has gotten a lot bigger.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Salt Pile Threat

Dear Neighbors,

We need you all to rally your fellow neighbors of the Columbia Waterfront to come out to an emergency meeting tomorrow, April 27, at B61, (Columbia/Degraw) at 6PM to work on a plan of action to deal with the unfortunate missteps by American Stevedoring that permitted the ongoing adverse affects resulting from the now "salt mountain" at about Kane/Columbia. We cannot permit this situation to continue as the flagrant disregard for the health and well being of our fellow residents is now in peril. Please call the numbers listed below before the meeting tomorrow night.

American Stevedoring (port operator)

Community Board 6

Council Member David Yassky (port)

Council Member Bill de Blasio (Columbia Street)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2 Parks Meetings this weekend:

First Open Meeting at the Urban Meadow

The Cabrini Green Urban Meadow welcomes all local residents to our first open meeting:

Saturday, April 4
rain date: Sunday, April 5
1:00pm - 2:00pm
In the Urban Meadow at the end of President street on the corner of Van Brunt.

The Agenda will focus on membership, keys, Sunday jazz shows, Yoga, upkeep and other activities as well as fundraising and bringing greater attention to the Urban Meadow.


Dear Neighbors:

On Sunday, April 5, State Senator Daniel Squadron will host another public meeting to present his plan for how to make Brooklyn Bridge Park a real, world-class park for our community and our city.

Please join us for the presentation, which will be followed by a Q&A session with Senator Squadron about his proposal.

The meeting will be held at 3:00 pm, Sunday April 5, in the Avram Conference Center, Conference Room A at Long Island College Hospital.