Saturday, September 22, 2012

Participatory Budgeting Returns

Last year's participatory budgeting process in the 39th Council District was a big success.  Brad Lander is repeating the process again this year enabling district residents to determine how $1 million of public funds is spent.  Neighborhood assemblies will be held this month and next to introduce the process, solicit ideas and organize working groups.

The first assembly begins 6:30pm, Monday, September 24, at the Carroll Gardens Library, 396 Clinton Street at Union.  More information about Participatory Budgeting available here from Brad Lander's website.  RSVP is requested.

For residents of the Columbia Waterfront, this is an opportunity to promote long desired improvements to the BQE 'ditch' such as pedestrian enhancements like sidewalk extensions and planting along Hicks Street.  Please participate and help make our neighborhood even more terrific than it already is!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Shop & Dine Columbia Waterfront Art Contest

Columbia Street Clock - source: Lost City Blog
 The Columbia Waterfront District Coalition invites you to create your artistic interpretation of the distinctive images of the neighborhood: 1) the missing Historic Columbia Street Clock; 2) Gantries; and 3) Maritime images. The purpose of the art contest is to help create a unique identity and promote the Columbia Waterfront District’s commercial corridor and the neighborhood.

Port Gantry Cranes - source: PortSide NewYork

The winning artwork will be used as design for the Street Banners that will installed along the commercial corridor. Winning entries will also be used on t-shirts, stickers, posters, coffee mugs, hats, and other promotional materials to both publicize the Columbia Waterfront District and raise funds for the neighborhood’s signage and banners that will be installed along the Columbia Waterfront District’s Commercial Corridor. The neighborhood’s commercial corridor extends from Atlantic Avenue to Hamilton Avenue along Columbia Street and from Van Brunt Street to Hicks Street along Union Street.

Complete details and rules of the contest can be downloaded here.

PortSide NewYork Returns to the Mary Whalen

After a brief stay on Columbia Street in temporary offices, PortSide NewYork moved back aboard the tanker Mary Whalen while the organization continues its search for a permanent home for the ship.  Keep updated on their progess by checking their website and support one of Brooklyn's most unique cultural resources.

Carroll Gardens Association Fall Festival

Carroll Gardens Association, Inc. will be holding the 4th Annual Columbia Waterfront Fall Festival on Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The annual Street Fair runs from the DeGraw Street to Union Street along Columbia Street and from Columbia Street to Hicks Street along Union Street. This year’s Street Fair is anticipated to be well attended by thousands of visitors and community residents enjoying a day of food, fun for all ages, shopping, live entertainment, games and rides. This year’s event is sponsored by Apple Bank, Ascot Properties, Jabus Building Corporation, and Downstate Long Island Hospital.

For more information click here.