This letter is to inform you that we have determined that the intersection of Columbia Street and Summit Street has met our criteria for signalization under the existing traffic conditions created by the DDC Columbia Street Reconstruction Project's Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT), which includes a reversal of Summit Street between Van Brunt Street and Columbia Street, resulting in additional traffic entering the intersection in question. The signalization study was undertaken in response to community requests.
We have asked the DDC contractor to implement a temporary traffic signal according to our standards at this intersection and to maintain it for the duration of the project MPT. Please note that we have also instructed them to remove the signal once the MPT is removed and Summit Street is restored to its original westbound direction. We would appreciate your assistance in communicating to the community the temporary nature of the installation.
We have asked the DDC contractor to implement a temporary traffic signal according to our standards at this intersection and to maintain it for the duration of the project MPT. Please note that we have also instructed them to remove the signal once the MPT is removed and Summit Street is restored to its original westbound direction. We would appreciate your assistance in communicating to the community the temporary nature of the installation.
Hopefully, we'll see that signal installed soon. It is important to note that the signal will be temporary. However, it is gratifying that DOT has finally acknowledged the importance of traffic control along this overloaded route through our community. Next we just have to get the police to enforce the truck route regulations.